You should receive your bill 2 to 4 weeks after the water heater is installed.
If you rent your water heater, you will receive bills every other month. If you want to access your bills at any time, you need to create an account in the Customer Centre section on our website. Please note that if you choose to receive a paper bill, a $1 fee will be charged every month and you will have to change your preferences on our Customer Centre page or contact us by phone.
The first bill you receive may have a different monthly amount listed because of the number of days billed. Check the number of days on your bill to see the amount owed. Don’t worry, the amount will be adjusted on subsequent bills.
You can pay your bill in one of several ways: by pre-authorized payment, credit card, cheque, or via your banking institution. You can also pay your bill on our Customer Centre page. If your insurance company requires a receipt, you can send them a copy of the terms and conditions. If you purchased your water heater, you can send them the letter of guarantee as well as a copy of your bill.
If you have any other questions about your bill, please contact us at 1-877-353-0077. Choose the water heater billing option to speak with a representative who will be happy to assist you.